Business model canvas

Alessandro and Timothy O’Connell1 hosted a workshop about the business model canvas. The business model canvas is a tool to analyze startups’ business models.

Business model is vital for startups success. For example Chester Carlson, the inventor of xerography developed a machine to make photocopies of documents2. Nobody wanted to buy them because they were expensive, than he changed the business model giving photocopiers for free and asking money for each photocopy. This determined the success of this business.

Another famous example is Nespresso. They changed their business model by selling low cost coffee machines and selling high profitability pots. Note that Nespresso’s pots were the only pots working on their machines because a patend was pending, a key factor for the business success.

We talked about value proposition, it’s what you’re offering to your customer.

After the canvas fulfillment we talked about some of the business models emerged. When you speak about your business model remember always to start from customers. You’re working for your customers and we need to know what problem we’re trying to solve before solving it.

Note that when your idea is geeky (issuehunter for example) you should focus on key resources.

  1. Tim is a serial entrepreneur from Chicago, he’s also a board member of the Global Accelerator Network.

  2. The company came to prominence in 1959 with the introduction of the Xerox 914, the first plain paper photocopier using the process of Electro-photography, (later changed to xerography) discovered by Chester Carlson, which he developed with John H. Dessauer.